Grow your investment portfolio effortlessly with Tameed, the first platform that pools crowd investments to finance government issued purchase orders. Enjoy high returns from short-term, Sharia compliant investments.

Why invest with Tameed

Grow your money at higher rates than traditionally investments. Investing with
Tameed can earn you average net annualized returns between 15% : 20%*

Flexible and short-term

Investments are backed up by goverment-owned POs

Compliant with Sharia Law as well as KYC and AML, CFT regulations

Very limited correlation to
capital market performance

Our streamlined process

We took the hassle out of Investing with our automatic and simplified process

Once your account is verified, you will be able to deposit funds to your investment wallet.

Let your Money work for you effortlessly by setting your investment preferences for future opportunities and activating the Auto-Invest. The app will automatically notify you when you are nominated and you will have 48 hours to cancel the investment in an opportunity.

Monitor from your app receiving your repayments and profits according to your terms and conditions of each opportunity.

Annual Return Comparison

Returns depend on your risk preferences.


Net annual return from Tameed


Sukuk Alrajhi Bank


Goverment Sukuk


Saudi stocks dividends

Financing requirements

What you need to have, in order to meet our requirements and receive funding from tameed

High Credit Rank

KSA government is rated A1 (Moody’s, May 1, 2020) Suppliers are well-rated, reputable multinational manufacturers.

Secure Platform

Tameed Platform and data are protected by bank-level security and state-of-the-art encryption.

Adequate credit check

Adequate credit screening, KYC and legal due-diligence checks are conducted on all participants, including POs, and payment history.

Confirmed PO

POs are confirmed by the Saudi government prior to funding, representing a payment guarantee.

Risk Assessment

Credit Scoring

Only approved transactions and participants are offered to financier on the Tameed Platform.

SME Legal Due Diligence

All historical records are collected from local credit bureaus SIMAH.

Risk Assessment on Distributor and Resellers

Audit financial records and bank statements of the distributor as well as credit history, maturity, and experience of the reseller’s business are reviewed and assessed.

Simple and Clear Pricing

Historical records of POs and the issuer’s speed of payment are reviewed.

Credit Scoring

Three Investment categories are available in Auto Invest based on the related risk level,

Activate the Conservative option to invest in opportunities with score "A". It includes 3 classifications based on the risk level:
A+: Very low risk
A : Low risk
A-: low to moderate risk

Activate the Balanced option to invest in opportunities with score "B"It includes 3 classifications based on the risk level:
B+: medium to low risk
B : medium risk
B-: medium to high risk

Activate the Growth option to invest in opportunities with score "C" It includes 3 classifications based on the risk level:
C+: high to medium risk
C: high risk
C-: very high risk


The Answers to most of your questions

What is Tameed?

Tameed is the first crowd debit lending platform licensed by the Saudi National Bank and is specialised in offering local SMEs that have Purchase Orders from Government agencies or Large private Companies a financing alternative other than a business loan to fund their Purchase orders.

How can I sign-up as an Investor?

You can register by visiting the Tameed homepage at, clicking on the 'Sign-up’ button, selecting 'I Want to Invest', filling out the following personal information: (ID or residence number - date of birth - mobile number - email), and then setting a password.

Are the investment opportunities offered by the Tameed platform compliant with Islamic Shariah principles?
Is investing in the Tameed platform safe?

Investing through the Tameed platform involves the risks of investing in small and medium-sized enterprises, including the possibility of capital loss or delayed repayment, but we are very diligent in picking opportunities and this is reflected in our very low default number of 0.61% over the lifetime of Tameed.

What is the average expected annual net return for me as investor?

Our average expected net annual return for our investors were 16%

When and how are the profits paid out?

The profits are deposited into the portfolios of the participating investors after the financing period mentioned in the opportunity details ends.

How do I know when I entered an Investment?

You will receive a text message informing you of your acceptance in the opportunity if you are entered .